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Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School

‘Learning and Growing Together’

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Business Links

Let us support YOU by partnering with us!


Central Schools Trust (CST) has successfully built long lasting relationships with businesses, both local and national, over the last 10 years.


Purposeful links between education and business are incredibly valuable, but not always easy to build or sustain.

CST specialises in both building and sustaining meaningful relationships which impact positively on the education and the business sector.


Specialists from the business sector are providing the children in CST with real life learning experiences that supplement the schools’ curriculums. This leaning is celebrated regularly in newspaper and magazine articles, via social media and on the schools’ websites.


Consequently, business involvement in our schools contributes to an enhancement of learning opportunities for the children whilst also providing some excellent wide-ranging publicity opportunities for the businesses themselves.

The development of these links is in the hands of our very experienced and highly effective Birgitta Varga.


If you would like to know more about developing links with CST, please do feel free to contact her on
