What's happening in Solihull for children and families?
Visit the Parents Network at Solihull Parents Network for access to their monthly bulletin of local activities and events.
Where can I go for parenting support?
The parenting group ‘Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour’ runs for 10 weeks, and is open to parents and carers wanting to learn more about their child’s development and behaviours, as well as improving their relationship and communication with their child.
Specialist groups for parents of children with diagnosed conditions, for e.g. Autism, ADHD, also take place, as well as targeted groups for families with more complex lives, and ad-hoc workshops.
If you would like further information or would like to book onto a group please contact the Solihull Parenting Team on 0121 301 2773 or via email
What should I do if I am worried about a child's safety?
If you are ever concerned about a child's welfare you can contact the Solihull Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on: 0121 788 4333 or speak to a safeguarding lead teacher in school. It’s very important that you take action straight away - the sooner you get help, the sooner the abuse will stop. If a child is at immediate risk of harm you should call the Police on 101 (or 999 if an emergency).
What can I do if my child is being bullied?
Bullying is when your child is harmed by another child and this has happened several times on purpose. We take bullying very seriously. You should always speak to us in school if you have a concern that your child is being bullied.
Where can I get help with my child's sleeping difficulties, poor behaviour, fussy eating, weight concerns, daytime wetting or health conditions that affect their education?
You should make a referral to the school nurse service if you have any of the above concerns. Referral forms are available from the school office. School nurse drop-in sessions are also available in school - look out for posters in school for further information.
How do I keep my child safe online?
It's important to make sure children stay safe when using the internet or their mobiles. To help, the ThinkUKnow website offers the latest advice and guidance for children and young people, as well as their teachers, parents and carers.
Useful contacts for specific support
Service | Support available | Contact details |
Barnado's | Counselling service for bereaved children | E: |
Solar | Emotional well-being and mental health support for children | Web: T: 0121 301 2750 |
Solihull Mind | Support for anyone with mental health issues | E: T: 0121 742 4941 |
SIAS | Drug, alcohol and gambling support | E: T: 0121 301 4141 |
Solihull Women's Aid | Services for female victims of domestic abuse | T: 0808 800 0028/ 0121 722 2142 |
Solihull Community Housing | Support for accommodation, refuge and housing emergencies | T: 0121 717 1515 |
Young Carers | Support for children who are carers for other people | T: 0121 788 1143 |