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Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School

‘Learning and Growing Together’

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Curriculum at Damson Wood

Damson Wood's Curriculum Overview

The Curriculum at Damson Wood


The curriculum at Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School Academy is ambitious, rich, challenging and relevant to our pupils. Our curriculum intent is designed to give all learners, whatever their individual starting point, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We aim to provide an exciting and stimulating curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Our mission is to motivate all our pupils and enable every learner to enjoy and achieve. 


From when children arrive at Woodies Childcare or in the EYFS at Damson Wood, there is a strong focus on developing children’s early language and communication. Children’s speaking and listening skills are prioritised and we work hard to develop children’s vocabulary knowledge.


We ensure that our children are taught the fundamental skills of Reading, Writing, Maths and Science as well as the other National Curriculum subjects. We provide challenging and engaging activities that take account of prior learning to ensure depth and progression. The needs of all learners are taken into account.  Where it naturally occurs, cross-curricular links are made in Maths, English and Science, as well as through the thematic teaching of other subjects. Computing, Music and Forest School are taught in fortnightly sessions from Reception to Year 2.


Our timetable plans for regular retrieval of weekly and previous learning to ensure that knowledge is remembered over time and that schemas are created to ensure children apply their knowledge in different contexts and become knowledgeable citizens.


Our curriculum is knowledge rich and focuses on a thematic approach, where appropriate; each theme has a ‘Stunning Starter’ and a ‘Fabulous Finale’ to inspire children and to share what they have learnt. The learning that takes place during these days delivers the opportunity for real life, hands-on experiences for the topic being studied.  Experiences include dressing up and spending the day as Victorians, visiting Tamworth Castle, enjoying a ‘Pirate Party’, tasting foods from around the world, or creating the Polar Regions in the classroom!


Throughout the school year, we have many trips which help to develop social skills and independence. These also provide an opportunity to extend the children’s knowledge and understanding in the various curriculum areas, such as links to Science in Year 1 with a trip to The Parkridge Centre.


We believe in the approach of ‘learning to learn’ and ‘learning without limits’. Through the ethos of the school and our curriculum children are encouraged to develop learning capacities which will help them to become resilient, independent and confident, life-long learners and are equipped with the knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves and are exposed to high-level learning in every classroom.


We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities, including sporting activities, such as football, athletics, and dance. We also offer choir, cookery, science, art, and Lego.


We believe our curriculum contributes to the development of our pupils’ sense of identity through knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural heritages of Britain’s diverse society and of the local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimensions of their lives. Children’s knowledge and understanding of different faiths and cultures is explored during lessons and encourages a real tolerance of others. We provide learning opportunities that recognise and celebrate their uniqueness, develop their full potential, allow them to fulfil their aspirations both in and outside of school. As a result, children have a good appreciation of radicalisation and are being prepared to meet the challenges of living in modern Britain and of becoming successful citizens of the future.


