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Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School

‘Learning and Growing Together’

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Subject Leader – Miss Maycock

Maths Intent 

At Damson Wood, our intention is that all children view themselves as confident and able mathematicians. We aim to take a mastery approach to Maths and present all children with a creative and challenging curriculum.  Our curriculum will help children to see the importance of Maths in everyday life as well as preparing them for the future.   


We aim for all children to develop their fluency and confidence around all areas of Maths, especially strengthening number and calculation skills and to be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through the use of a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach.  


We want our children to develop and continue to show ambition and resilience when it comes to their learning and grow in confidence, becoming successful mathematicians. Every child should feel that they can be successful in Maths and develop their Growth Mindset around this subject. 


Throughout Key Stage One we want all children to have a good recall of key number facts including times tables and number bonds. Children will build upon existing skills and challenge themselves to apply their learning across different contexts.  


We will re-visit and revise key concepts throughout the year, and provide quizzes to strengthen understanding alongside reasoning and problem solving contexts.  


We want children in Early Years to gain a deeper understanding of numbers to 10 and to count verbally beyond 20, recognising multiples of 10.  They will continue to develop their ability to subitise in a variety of ways and link a numeral with its cardinal number value. Children should also become more fluent in key facts such as number bonds up to 5, and some to 10.  


Our aim is for children in the Early Years to become confident when comparing quantities and to creatively explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10.  They will also develop their mathematical language through their number work but also when exploring shape, length, weight and capacity.  


Developing their knowledge and vocabulary will partially be achieved through a daily Maths meeting, where all children take part in learning their days of the week, months of the year, 2D and 3D shapes and key vocabulary and phrases such ‘Yesterday was…’, ‘today is….’ and ‘tomorrow will be …….’ 


Throughout the school, we will encourage our children to communicate, justify and prove.  


Regular assessments will be made in order to look at next steps in learning and to check progress and attainment.  


By the end of their time at Damson Wood, we want all children to have increased their confidence in Maths, felt successful and be ready for their transition to Key Stage Two.  









