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Damson Wood Nursery and Infant School

‘Learning and Growing Together’

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Subject Leader – Mrs Wright

Ensuring reading for pleasure


‘Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success.’ (OECD 2002)


We value reading for pleasure highly and work hard as a school to grow our Reading for Pleasure pedagogy.


At Damson Wood, we provide:


  • Daily Shared Reading, where an adult reads to children: the teacher’s role is to make overt what good readers do by modelling reading skills and strategies. During shared reading, at least once daily, children can access and enjoy a text, which may be challenging to them individually.


  • Classroom Reading Area with access to a range of text types, books and authors within the classroom, providing opportunity and encouragement to read independently in order to take time to enjoy reading a chosen text, and to build confidence, stamina and fluency.


  • Discussion about reading: regular opportunities are provided for children to participate in high quality discussions with their teacher or other adults about what they have read or heard to gain a deeper understanding of the text.


  • Encouragement to read widely and often at home, in addition to school books provided. When these are recorded in their Reading Record, children receive Class Dojo points.


  • Weekly Library Sessions for all children, which provides access to a wider range of books in the School Library, which children can choose to change weekly for a new book.


  • Celebrations of events such as World Book Day to promote a love of reading.


  • ERIC Time – Everybody Reading In Class, where parents, carers or other family members are welcome into school between 8.45am and 9.00am every Tuesday and Thursday morning to enjoy a book with their child.


  • Extra and early support for children who need additional support: SEND, Pupil Premium, EAL and Most Able pupils are a clear focus for teachers, and progress is monitored according to their individual needs, including pre-teaching of key vocabulary and text-specific words. Where possible, opportunities are provided for EAL learners to take home the class reader to be read in their home language. Most Able children are given appropriate challenge and are encouraged to seek out and discuss a variety of text types and authors, which they can enjoy and compare or contrast.


  • Word lists are available for children to take home and learn, including common exception words, words which include weekly phonics spelling rules, and key vocabulary for a specific topic or text. In KS1 and in EYFS, a list of sounds and tricky words are taken home to learn to read and write independently.


  • Home Learning supports the development of reading skills including comprehension activities and options to read a range of texts to support learning around a particular theme or to enjoy books by an author children are studying in class.


  • Parent & Carer Meetings and Workshops giving advice for adults to help support their children with reading, writing and phonics.


  • Learning Journeys in EYFS and Woodies Childcare reflect children engaging in reading activities and developing early reading skills.


  • Book Swap provides an opportunity for children to donate and swap books, or take books that have been donated for free.


  • Books provided outside at lunchtimes for children to enjoy.


  • Damson Wood Reading Challenge - Suggested reading list provided for each year group. These are shared, displayed and there is a reward for children completing the list.


  • Golden Shelf of special books for children to access if they have demonstrated superb behaviour / learning.


  • Hot Chocolate Friday - Reward story time with the Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher for children who have been showing exemplary behaviour or trying really hard with their learning.




