Religious Education
Subject Leader – Miss Maycock
RE Intent
Religious Education is taught at Damson Wood using the Discovery RE scheme of work which is an enquiry approach to Religious Education. Our aim is to develop a knowledge about and an understanding of the predominant faiths within the United Kingdom.
As a school we intend that Religious Education will:
- Adopt an enquiry-based approach
- Provoke challenging questions
- Encourage pupils to explore their own beliefs (religious or non-religious)
- Enable pupils to build their sense of identity and belonging
- Teach pupils to develop their respect for others
- Prompt pupils to consider their responsibilities
- Develop a sense of awe, wonder and mystery
- Nurture children's own spiritual development
Discovery RE provides an enquiry based question for each half term for each year group and has Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development opportunities as well British Values which can lead to tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs. There is also the opportunity for Speaking and Listening skills to be developed through discussions and debates. To help children engage with the process of enquiry, each class has an owl. You will notice that the number of feathers on their chest denotes the year group. We really enjoy using the owls and use them as a talking tool.